His Holiness Mahabrahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami Ji indited a collection of sacred writings/verses combined to form a Divine Entity in itself — Shree Mahabrahm Maykhana. At the mere age of 12, Gurudev Ji penned down the essence of the Supreme Being and the ecstasy of knowing and embracing our Creator in the holy stanzas of the Ruhani Maykhana, which was honored by many dignitaries – the President of India; the late poet, Harivansh Rai Bachchan; along with numerous such prominent writers and officials.

This spiritual epic should not be mistaken for its association with a tavern, as it embodies the essence of the Almighty and serves as the source of mystical knowledge. Shree Mahabrahm Maykhana transcribes the Holy Spirit as the ultimate “Saaqi” and its elixir as the ultimate “Paymana,” a drink poured by God himself for humanity that leads not only to the point of salvation but far beyond.

This poetic paragon is dedicated to that “Saaqi” (the Divine Being) whose wholesome elixir elicited a great passion within the writer’s “bejaan kalam” (lifeless pen) to render spontaneous flutterings on the heart of the paper –

Samarpan uss saaqi ko jiska jaam pee kar yeh bejaan kalam anaayaas hi kagaz ke seene par machal uthi hai.

The Ruhani Maykhana is an amalgamation of all spiritual teachings; a convergence of millions of Ram-Krishna and Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh into the omnipotent “Shree,” the Great Brahm. Reciting “Shree Mahabrahm Maykhana” serves as a conduit to universal energy. It initiates a cascade of manifestations, be it abundant wealth, relief from physical and mental ailments, or any and every problem under the sun and beyond, for the sanctified verses of the Ruhani Maykhana encapsulate the entirety of Maa Bhagwati within them.

Gurudev Ji’s masterly craftsmanship exceeds the realms of the possible as He has blessed and enriched our lives with the existence of this revered scripture. The sheer bliss of reading each couplet cannot be expressed in mere words of any language. Guided by Divine Inspiration, Gurudev Ji composed this epitome of poesy to rid mankind of all human sufferings. Every individual is set to undergo a distinct and vivid experience while reading the Ruhani Maykhana. It is an adventure in itself and its glory cannot be sung by a thousand hymns or poems.

Translation of a few verses of “Shree Mahabrahm Maykhana: –

  1. उन्हें निमन्त्रण जिनका जीवन
    मदिरा खातिर दीवाना ।
    उन्हें निमन्त्रण जो सर्वस्व अब
    मान चुके हैं पैमाना ।
    आमन्त्रण है उनको, जिनको,
    आगा-पीछा व्यर्थ लगे,
    पीना है तो जीना है यह
    मन्त्र हमारा मयखाना।

Invitation to those whose lives
Are devoted to the allure of this enchanting elixir.
Invitation to those who now consider
All-pervasive this goblet’s nectar.
For them is the beckoning, for whom
All else appears futile,
To drink is to live; such is the
Mantra of our Maykhana divine.

2. बहुत बड़ी है चीज़ अगर तुम
समझो तो, यह पैमाना ।
करता आज निवारण देखो
हर संशय का दीवाना ।
व्रत उपवास दान पुण्य और
धर्म-कर्म हों सभी भाग्य में,
व्यर्थ हैं सब न अगर लिखा हो
किस्मत में यह मयखाना ।

It’s a massive thing if you understand
This sacred goblet in your hand.
Witness today, resolving it all
A devotee of every doubt’s call.
Even if fasting, vows, charity, virtue and
Righteous actions are destined to be,
All is in vain if not inscribed plain
This Maykhana in one’s fate, you see.

3. यूं तो कोई भी आ जाये
सबका सांझा पैमाना ।
मिले एक-सी मदिरा सबको
क्या अपना क्या बेगाना ।
पर केवल आने जाने में
लुत्फ कहां आ पाता है।
लुत्फ उठाना चाहो तो
अपनाना होगा मयखाना ।

Though anyone can come by
The goblet’s elixir’s the same for all.
Each gets the same wine
Naught of what is mine or yours.
Yet in mere coming and going
True pleasure cannot be known.
If you desire to enjoy this delight
Come embrace this Maykhana pure.

4. श्री गुरु नानक भर कर लाये
गुरुबाणी का पैमाना ।
पीकर दीवाने कहलाए
जग में बाला मरदाना ।
एकेश्वर अद्वैतवाद की
मदिरा ने मदहोश किया,
साकी बनकर दिखा गये वह
निरंकार का मयख़ाना ।

Shree Guru Nanak carried the essence
Of Guru’s wisdom profound and pure.
With a divine sip, the devout souls
Like Bala Mardana, found their allure.
The nectar of the Supreme, so divine
Intoxicates hearts, like heavenly wine,
As a celestial Saaqi, he revealed the way
To Nirankar’s Maykhana, in light of day.

5. देख-देख कर अवगुण अपने
गुनाहगार मत घबराना ।
स्वाभिमान से अगर हो जीना
तब तो पी लो पैमाना ।
जातिच्युत कर दिया जिन्हें
वह तनिक भी न हों विचलित अब,
खुला हुआ है उनकी खातिर
साकी का यह मयख़ाना ।।

Witnessing your shortcomings
The guilty, don’t you tremble.
If you wish to live with dignity
Then drink from this cup, so reverent.
The ones outcasted by the lot
Now shouldn’t worry in the slightest,
For their sake, open forevermore
Is Saaqi’s Maykhana, pure and blessed.

6. कागज को सीने ला मैंने
आज समेटा पैमाना ।
ढूंढ-ढूंढ शब्दों की मदिरा
सेवन करता दीवाना।
शुद्ध-अशुद्ध कलुषित भाषा ही
साकी है मदिरालय की,
विश्व समर्पित करता तुमको,
काव्य रचना मयख़ाना ।

Cradling the paper against my chest
Today, I gathered this divine essence.
Fervently seeking the nectar of words
The fanatic consumes the elixir pure.
Pure-impure tainted expression
Is the Saaqi of this tavern,
The world dedicates itself to you,
Oh masterpiece Maykhana, oh poetic creation.

7. आडम्बर पाखण्डों को यह
दूर हटाये दीवाना ।
हिन्दू, सिख, ईसाई को
इन्सान बनाये पैमाना ।
मंदिर, मस्जिद, गिरजाघर को
एक बनाकर छोड़ेगा,
इन्सानों को देखो यह
भगवान बनाये मयख़ाना।

Removes the pompous hypocrisies
And casts them far away, the devout.
Turns Hindu, Sikh, Christian alike
Into humans, the goblet profound.
Temples, mosques, churches galore
Unite them as one, without delay,
Behold, as humans are transformed
Into God by the Maykhana’s sway.

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